Payroll - Calculating gross pay from a take-home pay value
There is no function to calculate the gross pay from a take-home pay value. This function would be useful and save trial and error entry!
Customer invoice T'c and C's
Hi, Are there any plans for duplex printing of customer invoices? Several of my clients would really like to add comprehensive terms and conditions to an invoice, and the obvious place to have those is on the back of the invoice. Thanks
Small Companies Cash Accounting for VAT
Hi Would it be possible to enter purchase and sales transactions direct from the bank module and include the suppliers/customers number. This is a function that I use in dare I say Sage! It saves having to enter a purchase/sales invoice and then have
Supplier Due Dates
Hi, Not sure if this has been brought up before but would it be possible to add "due date" or "terms" to supplier details, and then develop a suppliers overdue report similar to that in the customer section? Thanks
Sales and Purchase Invoice Entry
Hi It would be appreciated if after entering a sales/purchase invoice or credit you have the option to save or save and next, the second option would open a new data entry for your next invoice/credit. This would remove the necessity to save and then
Logo Size
Hi I think I have asked this quite some ago, before the support portal was live. Please can the area on the sales invoice template (at the top of the page) be bigger to accommodate the company logo? At present I save my sales invoice, then view and download
Partnership tax returns - not able to enter Capital Allowances when boxes 3.24 to 3.26 used
There is currently an issue with partnership tax returns, in that when the <£85k section is used (boxes 3.24 to 3.26) we are unable to enter any information in the Capital Allowances section. This was working fine up until a few weeks ago, now error messages
Payroll PDF Report
Could the report be produced in landscape and not portrait, it would make it more easy to read? Thank you Michelle
Director Loan account code 1321
Hello Guys, Re: Director Loan account nominal code Could I please ask for the director nominal code to be added to the list of purchase expense invoices like the accruals and prepayments please? At present i'm finding I have to post everything to staff
Record interest expense as a trading expense
Hi, I'm paying interest on a Bank loan and the only ledger where it can be recorded is ledger code 7519. The problem is when it comes to Final account this expense type is not a trading expense but a Business loan should be a trading expense. Does any
Employee pay entry
Hello, Could you please consider adding 'next' and 'previous' options to the employee pay entry screen, rather than just 'save' and 'cancel'. That way it will make payroll data entry a lot quicker and easier, rather than having to go back to the list
CT600 Return failed
I'm trying to file my Tax return, but an error comes up. the response is as follows: Raised By Error Code Type Message Gateway 1046 fatal Authentication Failure. The supplied user credentials failed validation for the requested service. Any idea how should
Statements of Account
When sending statements of account to customers, can we have an option to send only outstanding balances please? this would make sending bulk statements cleaner and easier to read. An account link would also be good to send out with statements as an option
Customers and Suppliers VAT Rates
Would it be possible to have an option to enter the standard vat rate for a suppliers / Customers in their account details, so when you go to enter a invoice the vat rate shows automatically rather than having to select it, but still keep the option to
Nomisma's Free Data Migration Service
We’re more than just a software company. Look at us as an extension to your team. We want to help you systemise, scale and grow your practice! How we can help with data migration You can utilise our free service to migrate client information from
Have you thought about your client onboarding process?
Customer journey and customer experience are two keywords often brought up in conversation and vital to onboarding processes. But, what do they actually mean, and what can you do to improve both? Customer Journey A customer journey is an end-to-end process